2014. augusztus 31., vasárnap

My Seven Deadly Sins

I'm participating in The Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag thanks to my dear friend Veronika from Reading Is Dreaming With Open Eyes who kindly tagged me (even through I'm not mainly a book blogger). So here we go, my seven deadly sin (muhahaha):

2014. augusztus 23., szombat

Computer Games

There are a lot of people who say playing computer games are a stupid thing (I heard it a lot in school: "It's stupid to play computer games, I can't understand you.").Well I'm still playing them, hehe. This picture is from TERA Online, it is a very beautiful game, if you like MMORPGs you should try it out. :)

2014. augusztus 20., szerda

Book covers *.*

I'm reading Pride and Prejudice. I'm in love with the hungarian cover of this book, it turned out really nice.