I'm participating in The Seven Deadly Sins Book Tag thanks to my dear friend Veronika from Reading Is Dreaming With Open Eyes who kindly tagged me (even through I'm not mainly a book blogger). So here we go, my seven deadly sin (
What is your most inexpensive book?
Hmm, if we I look at mangas as books (which I do), then it's Doors of Chaos by Ryoko Mitsuki which I brought for 700 Ft (~2.93$). If I have to say a real book then Legend by Marie Lu which I brought for approx. 1500 Ft (~6.32$).
What author do you have a love/hate relationship with?
It's probably Cassandra Clare. I really loved the first three book of The Mortal Instruments, then came the 4th book and started the down fall in my eyes. I'm sad because it was one of the first series I started to read.
What book have you devoured over and over with no shame?
Fire by Kristin Cashore. Probably I'm in love with the whole series, but I like Fire the most(even if I don't know why).
What book have you neglected due to laziness?
I don't remember if I ever neglected a book but if I did it was probably not because of laziness, "probably".
What book do you most talk about in order to sound like an intellectual reader?
Even if I wanted I couldn't look like an intelectual reader T.T therefore I never do it. I read classic but I'm proud of every book I read, even if it's a manga or YA or Adult or for Children (shame on me but i like books which are for children)
What attributes do you find attractive in male or female characters?
I don't make a distinction between male or female characters. I like human like characters, who make mistakes but learn from them. I like characters, who are not perfect, some times they are weak and do stupid things or bad things (this is why i some times like villians too). But I only like them when I can understand why they are like that, if not I get angry and start to hate them.
I'm really sorry but I can't add any bloggers T.T but any one who feels like doing this survey should do it and link it in a comment so I can read it. :)
I didn't think that you'd do it this fast lol. I nearly wrote Cassandra Clare too but then changed my mind because my love for her faded away a loong time ago.
VálaszTörlésGreat post. :)