This is my first post so i thousght i write some tihing about myself and this blog. Here we go:
I say it before i write more, english is not my native language. I'm sorry if i make mistakes.
I made this blog because I always wanted one. After I watched my friend how makes her blog ( I give her some credit, it is a very nice blog), I thought that I could manage one (maybe, we will see it).
What will be on this blog?
- Pictures, mostly (from games: TERA Online and The Sims, and from real life)
- DIYs, when I do one
- And I think about book/manga/anime reviews, recommendations, but I still don't know
Is nice the new word for freaking amazing? lol. BTW I think I've just gotten a new blogger friend. Good luck and comment on my posts or else....
VálaszTörlésThank you! I will, don't worry (maybe I should worry more, lol)
Törlésa very interesting information, with this insight we are getting, thanks a lot for various information
VálaszTörléspengobatan alami tumor ganas di leher,cara alami menurunkan leukosit tinggi,obat penebalan dinding rahim herbal,obat penyakit jantung tachycardia,obat batuk rejan tradisional,obat kanker nasofaring tanpa kemoterapi,obat herbal hidrosefalus tanpa operasi,pengobatan alami penyakit itp,obat kanker payudara tanpa kemoterapi,obat pengapuran tulang leher herbal,obat kanker lidah tanpa kemoterapi,obat laringitis akut herbal,obat asma bronkial herbal,cara alami menyembuhkan aterosklerosis,obat perlemakan hati herbal,cara alami menyembuhkan pegal linu,obat syaraf kejepit
thanks for sharing information with me and all
VálaszTörléspengobatan untuk sembuhkan radang paru-paru (pneumonia)